Working from home - a change in venue

Sometimes sitting in my office at home is a drag.  Now mind you I have a nice office.  Comfy desk chair, decent desk, even a couple of windows to look out.  But there's time it's just not doing it for me.  No inspiration.  No spark of creativity.  That's when things get drastic.  That's when I need...a change in venue.

Change the scenery for better productivity

Many people view working from home as their  change in venue from the office, and back when I was working in an office full time I'd likely agree.  Mixing up your environment can do wonders to spark the creative juices and get work moving forward again.  The irony is the trip doesn't need to be a long one.Coffee shops and their ilk are the typical new venues often mentioned for home based workers.  Unfortunately in my area there aren't a lot of the classic coffee shops around (though a new one is supposed to open soon...oh happy day) so finding a place outside the home isn't as easy as one would think.  I'm not likely to be as productive and creative parked at McDonalds on the free wifi with the over 70 crowd in the mornings so I find alternatives right here at home.Relocation to someplace close, such as the dining room table or out on the deck, provides significant enough disruption to the mundane that it is refreshing.  If you're working from home and it's starting to feel like working from an office, pick up your gear (if possible) and take a walk.  Move to another spot, but most importantly get to work when you get there.  Don't use a change in venue be an invitation to procrastinate.What do you do when the home office walls are closing in?  Post your tips in the comments, please!


Scheduling your time - How tightly do you plan?


Working from home - Maintaining Order